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Home > When God Gives Me a Day

When God Gives Me a Day by Bill Childers

Webmaster's Note:  Bill writes and dedicates this poem to his fellow Chaplains at the Dallas Fire and Police Departments.

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Ps 118:24).

When God Gives Me a Day

You know, I don't often wonder
About the responsibilities that arise
When God awakens me to meet
The challenges and beauty of open skies!

It seems okay to take the day for granted,
Knowing the Lord has brought us together again...
Yet, I do not place myself to challenge Him
In what He might expect, or want me to gain.

Yet, The Father has most often laid a way
For my feet to walk with certainty and assurance,
Not guaranteeing that all will be right...
But, that His love fills me with endurance.

And, so I step forward with purpose,
A determination to do what He expects of me.
Realizing the times I have fallen-short...
Having not seen the rocks...there for me to see!

Like the first breath of the morning air...
I am not made to think I will loose my appetite.
Instead, I am encouraged to believe
A path is there...if I gain the truth of His sight!

When God gives me a day, an open door,
I am filled with hope for all that I might find...
My expectations sometime would speak of pausing...
That my selfishness not overflow...a cautious mind.

When God blesses me with an opportunity,
And, when this gift is seemingly mine,
I give my Lord an open walk the way...with me...
To step forward in whatever splendor...I might find.

Bill Childers
Copyright : June 5, 2007

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