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Seeking Forever by Bill Childers

Seeking Forever

The ravels of life are parts of me
Set forth for the world to see.
The parchments of stinging reality,
Perhaps, to teach me what to be!

Or perhaps, these are for learning,
For creating the starkly harsh churning
That enhances a striving far beyond
My natural abilities to respond!

Oh, I have not disillusioned myself so much
As to believe in miracles and such.
Nor do I hope to relieve myself of pain,
Nor have I calculated what's the gain,

I have only come to know another thing
That thrusts me far beyond the sting
Of the pain, the unrelenting demands
That few, if any, mortals withstand.

I have long sought and finally found,
That which seeks not to astound.
Rather, to reach deep inside the soul,
To fashion me with a sterner mold.

Oh, I fancy not myself of rigid stuff,
To sojourn beyond what is enough.
Yet, seeking forever has become certain
That I can defeat the final curtain!

Seeking Forever is not a hopeless gasp,
Sometimes just beyond our mortal grasp.
Rather, a truth borne by a greater power
In what surely seemed the darkest hour!

Bill Childers
Copyright : 2003

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