ad Dei GloriamMinistries

Home > What's New > Update Log 2008

Update Log 2008

This page contains a log of our site updates for the year 2008.

 2008 Updates

12/27/08 Reformatted Introduction to the Sections and Books of the OT and NT and moved to the Online Bible section.  Expanded Intro to the Pentateuch.  Others in progress.  Reformatted and added headers to Genesis and  1 Peter.
12/24/08 Added The Importance of Bible Inerrancy to our Apologetics section.
12/21/08 Added two articles to our blog: Once Upon a Time when America had Christmas, and The Night before Christmas - Marine Version.
12/20/08 Added Apologetics section.
12/20/08 Moved Introduction to Modern Bible Criticism to separate page and expanded.
12/18/08 Uploaded three Bible apologetics articles - Bible Apologetics Overview, The Meaning of Bible Inerrancy, and Can We Believe in God but not in the Bible?
12/07/08 Updated The Real Meaning of Christmas for 2008.
11/27/08 Added Marine Corps Boot Camp Graduation to our blog.
11/27/08 Added several pages of US Marine Corp pics in the Photos section.
11/27/08 Added The Real Story of Thanksgiving (Rush Limbaugh transcripts) and Thanksgiving Articles 2008 to our blog.
11/27/08 Added additional Blog pages for older postings.
11/15/08 Loaded the latest Cultural Issues headlines, commentaries and alerts.
11/12/08 Added the  Women of Faith page to our Ministries Section.
10/25/08 Created and loaded our new Culture Articles page to the News & Culture Section.
10/25/08 Created and loaded our new Christian Living section containing articles from a Christian Worldview.
10/18/08 Created and loaded our new Ministries section and the first entry Hope for Ishmael and its founder, Taysir (Tass) Abu Saadu.  Many more to be added soon.
10/18/08 Added Once an Arafat Man to our blog.
10/11/08 Reformatted and updated the  News and Commentary page. 
10/04/08 Added a Columnist page to our News and Culture Section.
09/29/08 Added Pulpit Freedom Sunday to our Blog.  Should Churches be involved in politics?
09/27/08 Merged our News and our Culture Sections into a new expanded section.  We'll be adding additional content and links over the next couple of weeks.
09/24/08 Added Marriage Mentors - Fireproof Your Marriage to our Blog.
09/14/08 Reformatted and expanded Why Study Theology in the Theology Section.
09/13/08 Added Just Like Me and Life Poems Page 6 to our Poetry Section.
09/13/08 Reformatted AW Pink's A Fourfold Salvation and Judge or Judge Not and modernized some of the language.
09/11/08 Added the AW Tozer page with a short biography in our Authors Section. 
09/10/08 Added The Speaking Voice by AW Tozer. 
09/03/08 Added God in a Box to the Theology Section.
08/23/08 Added Olympics 2008 - Going for the Gold to the Christian Living Section.
08/23/08 Added Gainesville, Florida Pics to the Photos Section.
08/20/08 Added A Ministry Update to our Blog.
07/20/08 Expanded Why Study Theology in the Theology Section.
07/12/08 Added My Friend Frank to the Poetry Section.
07/05/08 Added Happy Independence Day to our Blog.
07/04/08 Added search engine for to our Resources Shop.  We'll be expanding our store in the near future.
07/03/08 Added live feeds from One News Now and The Traditional Values Coalition to our News page.
06/26/08 Added Sports and the Christian to our Blog.
06/18/08 Added Boston Celtics, 2008 NBA Champs to our Blog.
05/31/08 Updated  the About Us Page.
05/14/08 Updated and expanded the Modern English Bible Translations Page.
05/11/08 As a Mother's Day tribute, posted Parent Humor to our Humor Section and Mother's Day Thoughts to our Blog.
05/09/08 Reformatted the Baptist Confession of Faith 1689 in the Creeds Section for faster loading and improved navigation.
05/05/08 Reformatted the Westminster Confession of Faith 1647 and the Westminster Larger Catechism in the Creeds Section for faster loading and improved navigation.
05/04/08 Our Genre Analysis section is now complete with posting of the Epistles.
04/27/08 Posted Get Expelled to our Blog.
04/26/08 Added Prophecy and Apocalyptic literature to the Genre Interpretation page.  Content on the Epistles is in progress.
04/21/08 Added Poems to Page 3 and Page 4 of Poetry about Life.
04/15/08 Added 3 New Religious Poems to the Poetry Section.
04/12/08 Added Poems About Life Page 5 to the Poetry Section.
04/03/08 Added Have We Lost the Concept of Sin to our Blog.
03/25/08 Created and added a Blog to our site for various Religious and Cultural Topics.
03/23/08 Added National Day of Prayer and other events to the Events Page.
03/15/08 Added the Parables to the Genre Interpretation page.  Content on the remaining literary types are in progress.
02/24/08 Major updates to News and added link to the 2008 Presidential Voting Guide to the Culture page.
02/23/08 Added the Psalms to the Genre Interpretation page.  Content on the remaining literary types are in progress.
02/19/08 Modernized the language somewhat to the Westminster Confession of Faith 1647 and split into four pages for faster loading.
02/18/08 Major updates to News and Culture pages.
02/09/08 Added AW Pink page.
02/06/08 Added Author Index Page - links to various authors whose works appear on our website.
02/03/08 Updated Comments on Modern Bible Criticism.
02/01/08 Added the Site Search Engine Page.  Search our site for authors, topics etc.
01/20/08 Ten Literature types completed on the Genre Interpretation page, a part of our Bible Interpretation Guide.  How to interpret the various types of literature in the Bible.  Content on the remaining literary types are in progress.
01/04/08 Added Author's Intent & Patterns of Meaning to the Bible Interpretation Page.
01/03/08 Added additional Sources and Columnists to the News Page.
2007 Update Log

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